The meaning of "Winfred"
Some say that Winfred is old English for "friend of peace" or "peaceful friend". However, in a lot of cases, it really means "that sassy dude". Such is the bane of Winfreds everywhere.
This Winfred
This particular Winfred is passionate about the intersection between humans and technology. Feel free to explore the content on this site, and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Latest project
Check for Craigslist Deals: This is a script that will check craigslist URLS on an hourly basis and will notify on Discord when a new post is added.
Notable mentions
That one time I was featured on Hackaday.
My projects can be roughly broken down into:
- PowerShell/Windows
- mostly systems administration
- Movies module: Movie file manipulation.
- Arduino
- ESP32/ESP8266
- Mostly focused on one of a kind computer peripherals
- Trackball pheriperal This is a trackball extension that has a touch screen that has shortcuts for multiple programs.
- Python
- Raspberry Pi hd44780 with i2c LCD displaying performance
- Reddit praw / pushshift
- Spacy / textcat goemotions
- Check for Craigslist Deals